Baroque music for Guitar solo
guitar solo
Kriegher, Giovanni (1649-1725), Logy,Jan (1650-1721) , Fischer, Johann (1656 -1746) , Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829) , Roncalli, Ludovico 1654-1713) , Attaingnan, Pierre, (1494-1552), Brescianello, Giuseppe (1690-1758) , Weiss, Sylvius Leopold (1687-1750)
Baroque Guitar music, selected baroque music :
1 Minuet by Giovanni Kriegher (1649-1725) 1 page, easy to early intermediate.
2 Gigue by Jan Losy (1650-1721) 1 page, easy to early intermediate.
3 Gavotte by Johann Fischer (1656 -1746) 1 page, early intermediate.
4 Theme by Mauro Giuliani (1781 - 1829) 1 page, early intermediate.
5 Sarabanda by Ludovico Roncalli (16541713) 1 page, early intermediate.
6 Tourdion by Pierre Attaingnan (1494 1552) 1 page, early intermediate.
7 Gavotte by Giuseppe Brescianello (1690 1758) 2 pages, early intermediate.
8 Menuet by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) 1 page, early intermediate.
9 Minuet by Giovanni Kriegher (1649-1725) as no1 but with embellisments, 2 pages intermediate.
For Guitar solo.
With some finger position suggestions. With standard notation and tablature.
With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Early intermediate to intermediate.
Pages: Eleven (11) pages music score.